Saturday, June 13, 2009

It All Has to Begin Somewhere....right?

OK, so it's 11pm on a Saturday night, I'm feeling my energy drink pulsing through my body (Rip It's A'tomic Pom, if you're curious -- if people can be liquor connoisseurs then maybe I'll be an energy drink connoisseur) and I'm been reading lots of divergent thoughts throughout the internet, through all forms of media, and it's inspired me to maybe create a blog of my own. Now, I already have a presence on the internet, if only social networking sites... more on that later. But if all goes according to the plan, this blog will serve as a headquarters to my prolonged thoughts on matters and how it relates to who I am as a person. So maybe I should begin with a (hopefully short) summary of where I am now. Kind of like "my origin story" if I were a comic book hero. (Disclaimer: I am *NOT* a comic book hero. Far from it. I mean, do you SEE what they wear?)

OK, so. My name is Adam, I am on the cusp of the 35th birthday, I am happily married for just past six years, to a lady named Kelley. I live in a house in Janesville, WI with Kelley and two dogs. I work full-time for a major pharmaceutical convenience chain as an inventory specialist. Prior to being in Janesville, I spent my childhood/adolescence in a small town near Green Bay, then graduated from UW-Madison with a BA in Journalism. My deeply boring pastimes include listening to music, playing video games and reading. Although raised Catholic, I no longer regularly attend services; however, I still consider myself a fairly well-moraled person. I strive to follow the Golden Rule daily, and also attempt to learn something new each day. Although I've worked for my current company for over a decade, I have a wide and varied work background that includes getting paychecks from such myriad companies as Proctor & Gamble, Virgin Records, Asylm Marketing, The Badger Herald, the State Department of Revenue, Handleman Company, and the Janesville Gazette, as well as a recent stint being a foster parent which will hopefully continue with a different organization.

I've been a follower and fan of the web/internet since the first year of college, when email was a newfangled thing. Through some college buddies I discovered newsgroups and later, Mosiac, and never looked back from there. I did have a Geocities site waaay back in the late 90s, but have long since forgotten exactly where it was. I've had at least a dozen email accounts, but now have my main two at yahoo and gmail, as well as one I give out for people/companies that I suspect will spam the living daylights out of me. I have a Facebook account where I post all my nugget-sized updates and play waaaaaaaaaay too much Bejeweled Blitz and not enough Mafia Wars. I also have a MySpace page where I **used** to display all my random thoughts before it became overran with bots, famewhores and general clunkiness. My favorite internet extension of meself would easily be my page, which tabulates all the music I've listened to on my iPod and on my computer, song by song, since August 2006. Look in the "Journals" tab and you'll find a few dozen posts which are more music related -- I haven't yet decided whether I will keep my music blogs exclusively there going forward or drop them here as well.

OK, so a hour or so typing later, and the energy drink is wearing off, so I'll finish here. Where the blog goes from here on out is a mystery. I lead a very reserved life, so maybe this blog will allow me to show more of my opinionated, caustic side as it pertains of matters. Maybe I will unleash my zanier, freakier side some of my co-workers see brief glimpses of and that my older friends seem to relish. Maybe I'll just post a bunch of dirty limericks. But feel free to check in often; it may be fun.

1 comment:

  1. Adam, even though we may have lived separate lives since 4th grade or so, I think we are very similar in our personalities. I too live a reserved life and enjoy music, video games and reading. I will read your blog as I write mine. I am glad that we have reconnected. Peace brother!

    Jon Reynolds
